In 1970/71 the very first National Rally was held at Mildura and was organised by the Caravan Club of South Australia. Six clubs were in attendance at this rally.
Further National Rallies were organised by the different state associations and it was not until 1990 at the 7th National Rally that a decision was made to form an Australian Association of Caravan Clubs.
In 1993 at the 8th National Rally the National Association of Caravan Clubs was formed and became incorporated. Each State Association took turns at being the National Secretariat for a three year period and was responsible for organising the National Rally at the end of their three year tenure.
Since incorporated Associations are typically State based, it became increasingly clear that a national body needed to be under Federal jurisdiction and after much work, it was agreed to change the National Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee under the Corporations Act.
The National Association of Caravan Clubs Limited was officially registered in December 2009 with the President of each State Association of Caravan clubs being the members of the new company. As the NACC is a Company Limited by Guarantee, it does not have any shareholders and the membership is restricted to the State Associations.
The NACC is managed by a Board of Directors who are appointed by the State Associations. In several cases the President of the State Association is also the NACC Director for that state.
National Rallies are still a key function of the NACC as well as arranging insurance coverage for all state associations, clubs and their members.